Paper Hearts I Love You Ferry Much

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Halifax, Nova Scotia is a charming port city with a heart of gold. This small town is dressed up like a big city, with a hometown feel, a vibrant arts & culture scene, a hopping waterfront full of cruising visitors, and a local landscape dotted with boutique shops & markets.The city’s two iconic harbour ferries criss cross like star-crossed lovers all day long. Take a moment to celebrate a special hometown love with this lovely little reminder that Hali is where the heart is! 

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Halifax, Nova Scotia is a charming port city with a heart of gold. This small town is dressed up like a big city, with a hometown feel, a vibrant arts & culture scene, a hopping waterfront full of cruising visitors, and a local landscape dotted with boutique shops & markets.The city’s two iconic harbour ferries criss cross like star-crossed lovers all day long. Take a moment to celebrate a special hometown love with this lovely little reminder that Hali is where the heart is! 

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